Thursday, April 4, 2013

College Season

The Wall Street Journal recently ran an op-ed piece by college hopeful Suzy Weiss. In it, she writes about being rejected from several colleges/universities to which she applied. The controversy surrounding the writer is that many people who've read the essay feel that she's an entitled brat who needs to realize that we don't always get everything we want in life. 

It has almost been 15 years since I left college, but I remember that the application process was terribly stressful, and I felt that my test scores and extra-curricular activites wouldn't be enough to get me accepted to a good school. I happily got in to my first choice (GO BRUINS!), and enjoyed my 4 years there.

You can see Weiss speak about her essay here. Do you find humor or truth in what she writes, or not? What are your feelings or memories about applying to college?

Note: The notebooks pictured above are from grad school... Yes, I still have a heap of them stowed under my bed. Why? I don't know, but they could be helpful to show Bee in the future. Or, they're an ideal home for silverfish. We'll see.

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