Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Abeille Cuisine: Roasted Garlic

Don't make the same mistake that I made. Costco is a wonderful establishment... bargains galore, but who really needs a 3-pound bag of garlic?
I don't run a restaurant (far too stressful), and while I adore adding garlic to my recipes, it just doesn't go well with chocolate pudding.

So, in an effort to quell my growing guilt at the thought of tossing out rotten heads of garlic in a matter of days, I sprang to action before any mildew could set in.

I made roasted garlic! Why don't I make this every week? I could have easily eaten one whole head by my self, in a matter of minutes. Howling breath aside, garlic is known for its health-boosting properties, and it makes most dishes taste divine. When roasted to a glorious golden brown, the flavor is so mellow and slightly sweet.

Just peel off most of the skin and then chop off just enough of the top of the head to expose the cloves. Pour over some olive oil to coat it, then bundle it in foil. Place the garlic in an oven preheated to 400 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes, and then you will be in garlic heaven.  Let it cool down for a while so that you don't burn yourself.

Once it's ready to use, you can pretty much do anything with it. I put it in pasta sauce, lentils, on a prosciutto panino, and you definitely can't go wrong by slathering it on a piece (or two) of crusty baguette. I didn't season the garlic before roasting it, but do what you will... The options are endless.

Thank you, Simply Recipes!

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